Vertical Warehousing: Redefining Storage Efficiency and Logistics

In the realm of modern logistics, vertical warehousing has emerged as a revolutionary concept, challenging traditional storage methods. Unlike conventional warehouses that sprawl horizontally, vertical warehouses optimize space by utilizing vertical dimensions. This article explores what vertical warehousing entails, how it is implemented, and the benefits it brings to the logistics landscape.


What is Vertical Warehousing?

Vertical warehousing, also known as high-density warehousing, involves the strategic use of vertical space to maximize storage capacity. This is achieved by stacking inventory on multiple levels, often facilitated by automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) and other advanced technologies. Vertical warehouses are designed to efficiently store a large volume of goods within a smaller physical footprint, making them particularly attractive in urban areas where space is at a premium.

Implementation Factors

  1. Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS):

AS/RS are the backbone of vertical warehousing. These systems use robotic mechanisms to automatically handle the storage and retrieval of goods. They enable precise control over inventory placement, reducing the need for human intervention and optimizing storage density.

  1. Warehouse Design and Layout:

The physical structure of a vertical warehouse is meticulously planned to accommodate height and weight considerations. The layout is designed for efficient movement of goods within the vertical space, ensuring accessibility for retrieval systems and minimizing travel times.

  1. Advanced Technology Integration:

Vertical warehouses leverage advanced technologies such as RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification), IoT (Internet of Things), and data analytics. These technologies enhance inventory tracking, monitor storage conditions, and provide real-time insights into warehouse operations.

  1. Safety and Compliance:

Implementing vertical warehousing requires compliance with safety regulations and standards. Factors such as load-bearing capacities, fire safety measures, and employee training become critical considerations to ensure a secure and compliant storage environment.

Benefits of Vertical Warehousing:

  1. Maximized Storage Capacity: The primary advantage of vertical warehousing is the significant increase in storage capacity. By utilizing vertical space, warehouses can store more goods without expanding their physical footprint, making it an ideal solution for densely populated urban areas.
  2. Improved Efficiency and Productivity: Automation in vertical warehouses reduces reliance on manual labor for routine tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. AS/RS enable swift and accurate retrieval of goods, minimizing the time needed to fulfill orders.
  3. Cost Savings: The optimization of space and increased efficiency translate to cost savings. Vertical warehousing allows businesses to make the most of their existing space, potentially eliminating the need for additional storage facilities and reducing operational costs.
  4. Enhanced Sustainability: Vertical warehousing contributes to sustainability efforts by reducing the environmental impact associated with sprawling horizontal warehouses. The smaller physical footprint and efficient space utilization align with eco-friendly practices.


Vertical warehousing stands at the forefront of modern logistics solutions, offering a strategic and space-efficient approach to storage challenges. As industries continue to evolve, embracing the principles of vertical warehousing not only addresses the current needs for efficient storage and logistics but also paves the way for a more sustainable and technologically advanced future in supply chain management.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also, you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

How Autonomous Mobile Robots help meet increasing demand in E-commerce operations?

The ecommerce boom has hit warehouses hard in recent years, with the Covid-19 pandemic resulting in exponential growth for the warehousing and logistics industries. E-commerce outfits have had to diversify to survive and cater to the increasing demands.

The need for personalization is changing how e-commerce facilities do things. New technology is providing a lifeline for businesses looking to provide a personalized service that’s known for low prices, great quality and fast delivery.

The use of AMRs in e-commerce has exploded to help warehouses and logistics centers rise to current challenges, but how are AMRs used in these settings and what advantages can be realized by those looking to unlock the capabilities of autonomous mobile robots in e-commerce supply chains?


Autonomous Mobile Robots in the Warehouse

AMRs have a special place in ecommerce warehouses. An increasing variety of mobile robots is being introduced and integrated into warehouse operations to improve performance and production throughput.

In the e-commerce and logistics sectors, AMRs are replacing traditional tools and techniques to increase picking efficiency and productivity. Picking processes, including zone and goods-to-person operations, are becoming more targeted yet flexible, paving the way for the speed and accuracy consumers demand from modern day e-commerce services.

Along with AMRs in e-commerce, automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are being continually used to handle and process pallets, with self-driving forklifts capable of detecting pallet jack openings with safety and precision.

(our forklift named HULK working in the warehouse)

The deployment of autonomous mobile robots in e-commerce is ridding operations of more cumbersome, inefficient manual methods, thereby decreasing labor costs, reducing errors, and minimizing downtime. With AMRs in e-commerce used at every turn, warehouses of all sizes are optimizing their processes (from sortation and picking to packing and returns handling) to tackle the efficiency.

The use of autonomous mobile robots in e-commerce warehouses has been shown to increase order picking performance by two or three times, with AMRs able to pick more orders per hour than manual workers, with less staff required. As a result, warehouses have been able to reduce labor costs, deliver a higher standard of service, lower order errors, and avoid penalties.


AMRs are for SMEs

It’s not just global players that benefit from the integration of AMRs in e-commerce. Smaller e-commerce operations can now use this technology to reap their own rewards and successfully level the playing field.

By embracing AMRs in e-commerce, small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) can enjoy the advantages of warehouse automation first-hand to bridge the gap and tackle issues like staff shortages. For SMEs however, an investment in AMRs in e-commerce poses a lot of questions. Potential stumbling blocks to overcome include the initial purchase cost and payback time of automated solutions. Despite the challenges, any business that has a warehouse (even a small-scale e-commerce operation) should consider automation.

(our AMR named FLASH working in the warehouse)

By introducing AMRs in e-commerce, SMEs can not only reduce the labor required for menial tasks but improve retention and safety for its existing workforce. The automation of repetitive tasks means staff can focus on value-added work that has the potential to boost creativity and aid wider business growth. By reallocating human workers and letting AMRs get on with the dull, dirty or dangerous jobs, you can make your SME a safe and productive place to work.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

Customize AMRs with Top Modules: Merging Functional Design

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are changing how work is done in the workplace, especially in manufacturing sector and logistics industry. At the same time, the AMR top modules are playing a critical role in this revolution, giving AMRs the ability to perform different tasks and functions.


What are AMR Top Modules?


Top modules are equipment pieces attached to AMRs, enabling the robots to perform specific tasks based on requirements. Tasks vary by application, but typically range from moving goods to picking up items. Top modules play a crucial role in enabling AMRs to carry out essential functions like self-loading and unloading. The modules are versatile and can be changed as needed to support different tasks.

(Hospital logistics robot with different top modules)


Mobile Conveyor Top Module


In this article, let me introduce the MAR with mobile conveyor top module.


By fitting a powered roller conveyor to the AMR, you can automate efficient and adaptable payload transfer from conveyor to conveyor or vehicle to vehicle.


The AMR moves into position and starts the conveyor to transfer items to the correct location. This Conveyor attachment is able to load boxes and totes onto other AMRs or to and from conveyor systems. With this module, AMRs can support by streamlining processes which require sorting, for example when deliveries come in, or by moving finished components to conveyors for further manufacturing.

(AMR with roller conveyor top modules matching production line)


Discover the Benefits of AMR Top Modules


Learn how AMR top modules can help AMRs reach their full potential, while saving time and resources throughout your automation process. Additionally, we understand that each business has unique needs. That’s why we also offer custom solutions tailored to your requirements.


Customize AMR Top Modules for Your Unique Needs


In addition to the mobile conveyor top module, our team designs custom AMR Top Modules to suit your specific requirements. Through collaborative partnerships with our clients, we embrace an integral approach that enables us to deeply grasp your requirements and develop a product that is tailored to your business. Furthermore, we prioritize flexibility in the thoughtful design of our offerings, ensuring comprehensive coverage for your needs, whether it be a single top module or a turnkey system inclusive of the AMR.


If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also, you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

5 Ways Robotic Automation Can Improve Warehouse Efficiency

Improving efficiency in a warehouse is a challenge. In most warehouses, things don’t stay still for long, with new stock coming in, deliveries going out and a lot of sorting, packing and picking in between. There are so many moving parts that small delays or mistakes in one area can create knock-on impacts on the whole system. This can make efficiency seem like an unachievable goal, but robotic automation is offering a new solution.

A lot of the challenges are either because of a need for more staff or due to human error. These are perpetual problems, but new solutions are arising every day. One part of the solution to improving warehouse efficiency might be to delegate menial tasks to computers. Robotic Automation is now sophisticated enough that industries can benefit from applying this technology and bringing warehouse efficiency into the twenty-first century.


Ease Labour Shortages


Many in the logistics and warehouse industries are struggling to hire enough people to cover both day-to-day, repetitive tasks and high-level, problem-solving tasks.


With automation, many small tasks happen without any human action. This can be a scanner reading barcodes as packages come down a conveyor, and a programmer sorting them into different areas automatically. Or it could be an autonomous robot picking and retrieving packages and transporting them to the correct location.


With autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), a warehouse can reduce the time workers spend driving or walking around the facility, freeing them up to focus on more valuable work.


Improve Accuracy


One of the errors that can cause delays in warehouses is inaccuracy. The wrong product is retrieved, or the product is stored in the wrong place.


Put to Light sortation system improves accuracy by guiding operatives to the correct area, using LED lights to illuminate the correct storage location given by a scanned barcode. This type of system is already in use in many warehouses, and AMRs can integrate with it, working alongside existing operations without disruption or reconfiguration.


Reduce Travel Time for Workers and Increase Productivity


The robots can navigate warehouses using their sensors, so they are able to travel to storage locations autonomously. It is able to simply set up the route and move on to other tasks, while the AMR does retrieval tasks and goods transportation. This reduces the amount of time spent walking and searching between warehouse areas for each operative, improving efficiency at work.

(Our AMR named FLASH working in the warehouse)


Warehouse Automation: the Future of Distribution?

We’ve discussed just five ways that automation can improve warehouse efficiency, including helping address labour shortages and improve both safety and accuracy. Other ways include:

  1. Evaluating Throughput Levels: Because the systems are all computerized, there is a digital monitoring and records system to help understand how the stock is moving.
  2. Increasing Warehouse Capacity: By using automation and AMRs to transport goods to storage, warehouses can make efficient use of space, compacting goods and using the full height of the facility to expand the total storage capacity.
  3. Providing Flexibility: Automated solutions are easily scalable. For example, a warehouse might bring in additional AMRs at peak times to cope with demand or run a reduced fleet during slow seasons.


If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also, you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

The Smart Factory Revolution: Unleashing Innovation and Efficiency

In the era of Industry 4.0, the concept of the smart factory has emerged as a transformative force reshaping the manufacturing industry. A smart factory leverages advanced technologies, data analytics, and interconnected systems to create a dynamic and intelligent production environment. Let’s explore what a smart factory is and the advantages it offers.


What is a Smart Factory?


A smart factory is a digitized manufacturing facility that uses connected devices, machinery and production systems to continuously collect and share data. This data is then used to inform decisions to improve processes as well as address any issues that may arise.


The smart manufacturing practices used by a smart factory are enabled by a variety of technologies including artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, cloud computing, and the industrial Internet of Things (IoT).


Advantages of Smart Factories

  1. Efficiency Optimization

Smart factories harness the power of automation to streamline production processes. Robots and AI-driven systems handle repetitive tasks like material transportation with precision and speed, reducing production times and minimizing errors.


  1. Predictive Maintenance

The integration of IoT sensors allows smart factories to monitor equipment in real-time. Predictive maintenance algorithms analyze data patterns to anticipate potential malfunctions, enabling proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime.


  1. Data-Driven Decision Making

Smart factories collect vast amounts of data from various sources within the production line. Advanced analytics processes this data, providing actionable insights for decision-makers to optimize production, improve resource utilization, and respond swiftly to market demands.


  1. Energy Efficiency

Smart factories prioritize sustainability by optimizing energy usage. AI algorithms and sensors monitor energy consumption, identifying areas for improvement and implementing energy-efficient practices to reduce environmental impact.


  1. Supply Chain Integration

A smart factory is not an isolated entity; it is part of a broader interconnected supply chain. Integration with suppliers, distributors, and other stakeholders ensures seamless communication, reducing lead times, and improving overall supply chain efficiency.


  1. Enhanced Quality Control

Automated quality control systems powered by robot and AI ensure consistent and high-quality output. Real-time monitoring and analysis identify defects early in the production process, reducing waste and improving overall product quality.


The smart factory represents a paradigm shift in manufacturing industry, where connectivity and intelligence converge to redefine traditional production models. The advantages it offers position it as a cornerstone of the modern industrial landscape. As technology continues to advance, the smart factory is not just a vision for the future; it is the present reality, propelling manufacturing into a new era of innovation and productivity.


If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also, you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

Warehouse Automation: Pioneering the Future of Logistics

Warehouse automation is the biggest trend in logistics. The latest generation of robots such as Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) take flexibility, efficiency and safety to a new level.


The Rise of Warehouse Automation


The complexities of modern supply chains have spurred the adoption of warehouse automation as a pivotal solution. This trend is driven by the need for increased efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability to meet the growing demands of global commerce. Warehouse automation involves the use of cutting-edge technologies to streamline and optimize various processes within a storage facility, with robots playing a central role.


Robots in Action


Robotic applications within warehouses have revolutionized material handling processes. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) navigate seamlessly through the warehouse environment, carrying out tasks such as picking, packing, and sorting with precision. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors, machine learning algorithms, and robotic arms, enabling them to adapt to dynamic warehouse layouts and efficiently process diverse types of inventories.


Advantages of Robot Integration


The application of robots in warehouse automation brings forth a myriad of advantages. One key benefit is the significant enhancement of operational efficiency. Robots operate 24/7, tirelessly executing tasks without the need for breaks, resulting in a continuous and uninterrupted workflow. This efficiency not only reduces labor costs but also accelerates order fulfillment, ensuring timely delivery to meet customer expectations.


Accuracy is another critical aspect where robots excel. Equipped with advanced sensors and real-time data processing capabilities, robots minimize errors in tasks such as inventory management and order picking. This not only improves overall accuracy but also contributes to a reduction in costly mistakes within the supply chain.


Furthermore, warehouse automation enhances adaptability. Robots can quickly adjust to changes in demand, seasonal fluctuations, or modifications in the warehouse layout. This flexibility is essential for businesses striving to maintain a competitive edge in an ever-changing market.

(Our AMR named FLASH working in the warehouse)


Future Implications


As warehouse automation continues to evolve, its impact on the logistics industry will be transformative. The rise of collaborative robots, capable of working alongside human counterparts, opens up new possibilities for enhanced productivity and creativity. The cooperation between human and robot promises to redefine the roles within logistics, creating a more efficient and harmonious working environment.


In conclusion, warehouse automation, driven by the increasing prevalence of robots, is undeniably the forefront of the logistics industry. As technology continues to advance, the relationship between humans and robots within the warehouse is poised to revolutionize how we perceive and execute logistics. Warehouse automation is not just a trend; it is the future of logistics.


If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also, you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

Revolutionizing Material Handling in the Lithium Battery Industry with Robots

Applications: FLASH

Industry Introduction:

The lithium battery industry, a cornerstone of the renewable energy sector, is witnessing unprecedented growth. However, the increasing demand for lithium batteries comes with its set of challenges, particularly in the efficient handling of raw materials within production line. To address this, the integration of cutting-edge technology, specifically robots, is proving to be a transformative solution.


Pain Points in the Scenario:

  1. In the bustling workshop of a lithium battery manufacturing plant, the scene is often characterized by a complex web of material flows.
  2. The manual handling of raw materials poses challenges in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and safety.
  3. Human workers may encounter difficulties in navigating tight spaces and lifting heavy loads, leading to potential bottlenecks and safety concerns.


Advantages of Robot Applications:

Material handling robots, such as AMRs, equipped to tackle the intricacies of the lithium battery manufacturing environment. These robots offer a range of advantages that address the pain points prevalent in traditional material handling processes.

  1. Precision and Accuracy:

Robots are programmed to follow precise paths, ensuring the accurate and reliable transportation of raw materials. This minimizes the risk of errors in material delivery and placement, contributing to a more streamlined and error-free production process.

  1. Efficiency and Speed:

In an industry where time is of the essence, material handling robots excel. They operate seamlessly around the clock, ensuring a continuous and swift flow of raw materials. The efficiency and speed of these robots significantly contribute to meeting production deadlines and keeping up with the dynamic demands of the lithium battery market.

  1. Safety Enhancement:

Robotic solutions enhance safety in the workplace. By automating handling and repetitive tasks, material handling robots reduce the risk of injuries to human workers. This not only ensures a safer working environment but also contributes to a more sustainable and responsible manufacturing process.


Solution Overview:

The implementation of AMRs in the lithium battery industry involves the deployment of autonomous machines equipped with advanced sensors and real-time data processing capabilities. These robots seamlessly navigate the workshop, transporting raw materials from storage areas to production lines with precision and efficiency.


The integration of machine learning allows these robots to adapt to changes in the factory layout, optimize routes, and continuously improve their performance. Additionally, human-robot collaboration is facilitated, with robots handling repetitive tasks, while human workers focus on more complex and value-added aspects of the production process.

Optimizing Internal Logistics: Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity

Logistics is increasingly acquiring greater importance in the strategic planning of businesses, and today it’s considered an essential element to the success of organizations.


Internal logistics helps all the internal processes of an organization to be controlled and aligned. In short, internal logistics involves the management and coordination of material flow from storage areas to production lines and between different workstations within the facility. Traditional approaches often relied on manual labor, forklifts, and conveyor systems. However, contemporary manufacturing industries are increasingly turning to advanced technologies to enhance the efficiency of their internal logistics processes.


Two implementations of internal logistics


Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) and Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) are a prominent example of technology transforming internal logistics. These autonomous vehicles navigate predetermined routes using sensors, cameras, and laser systems. These robots are designed to transport materials such as raw goods and semi-finished products with precision, speed, and reliability. Their ability to operate continuously and without human intervention makes them valuable assets in streamlining material movement within the factory.

(Our AMR named FLASH working in the factory)


The implementation of a Warehouse Management System (WMS) is another crucial aspect of optimizing internal logistics. WMS utilizes software and technology to monitor and control the movement and storage of materials within the warehouse or factory. It provides real-time visibility into inventory levels, enabling better decision-making regarding material allocation, order fulfillment, and stock replenishment. This results in reduced lead times, minimized errors, and improved overall operational efficiency.


The importance of internal logistics within a company

The benefits of streamlined internal logistical extend beyond cost savings. Enhanced efficiency in material flow directly impacts production cycles, allowing manufacturers to respond swiftly to market demands and fluctuations. Moreover, the reduction of manual labor in material handling minimizes the risk of human errors, ensuring a higher level of accuracy in production processes.


If there were no internal logistical processes, there would be constant problems because, for example, necessary raw materials don’t reach the production line. If they don’t arrive at the right time, the production process wouldn’t start and, therefore, they would not be distributed. This would affect the economic efficiency of the process and not produce any kind of profit.


All of which wouldn’t be possible without a constant, synchronized flow of materials.


Without internal logistics, the company’s strategies, no matter how good they may be, wouldn’t be carried out, and it would compromise the growth of the company within the market.

(Our forklift robot named HULK working in the factory)


In conclusion, the optimization of internal logistics is a critical component of modern manufacturing strategies. By integrating advanced technologies, embracing Lean Manufacturing principles, and implementing robust Warehouse Management Systems, factories can achieve a higher level of efficiency, reduce operational costs, and position themselves for success in an increasingly competitive global market.


If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also, you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

Focusing on the “Robot” Era, Intelligent Service Solutions for Industry Development

At present, China is making great strides towards building a scientific and technological powerhouse. Recently in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education and other 17 departments jointly issued the “Robot +” application of action implementation plan, pointed out that in 2025 the density of manufacturing robots should be doubled compared with 2020, and around the economic field of manufacturing, agriculture, construction, energy, trade and logistics, as well as the field of social and livelihood areas of health care, elderly care, education, commercial community services, safety and emergency and extreme environment applications, 10 major application key scenarios, with artificial intelligence and other “artificial intelligence”. Around the economic field of manufacturing, agriculture, construction, energy, trade and logistics, as well as the social and livelihood field of medical and health care, pension services, education, commercial community services, safety and emergency and extreme environmental applications, such as 10 key application scenarios, artificial intelligence and other “strong technology” as the engine, to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements to enhance the vitality of enterprise innovation, and to promote the development of new industries.


Bayes Robotics, as a leader in the domestic artificial intelligence track, has been dedicated to researching the field of “Robot+” solutions for many years, has advanced core technologies, and its products are widely used in the economy and people’s livelihood and other fields, creating diversified and high-quality robotics solutions that far exceed the market’s similar level, and becoming a strong competitor and pioneer in the industry. It has become a strong competitor and pioneer in the industry.


Medical guide robot

AI-enabled to create a full-scene solution


In recent years, with the outbreak of industry demand, the robotics market has shown a competitive pattern. Bayes Robotics focuses on the field of artificial intelligence, actively responds to the call of the state, and continuously increases its investment in scientific research to empower industrial digitalisation and intelligent transformation and upgrading with wisdom. Adhering to the concept of promoting the intelligent upgrading of the real economy with artificial intelligence, Bayes Robotics has created AI+ robotics solutions for logistics, healthcare, commercial community services and other diverse scenarios, such as intelligent healthcare, intelligent services, intelligent education, intelligent culture and tourism, and intelligent logistics, etc., and its professional strength has attracted the attention of the industry.

Hospital logistics robot


Firstly, in the field of intelligent medical care. Three years ago, due to the severe epidemic situation, in response to the call of national demand, Bayes Robotics innovatively realized a close combination of intelligent robots and basic medical construction, using big data as a means and intelligent robots as a carrier, and targeted to help hospitals solve the pain points of time constraints, heavy tasks, and lack of manpower in response to the situation of epidemic prevention and control in the country, creating a complete set of intelligent medical solutions, launching the Hospital logistics robot, HINER medical disinfection robot, COLIN intelligent nebulisation disinfection robot, COLA multi-functional food delivery robot, BUDDY guided tour explaining robot series product matrix, constantly empowering the medical field, for the hospital disinfection and protection, human-machine collaboration, and communication with the patient to provide information technology and digital high-efficiency solutions.

Medical Sterilisation Robot


Secondly, in the field of intelligent services, Bayes Robotics has launched two products, BUDDY guided tour robot and COLA multifunctional food delivery robot. On the one hand, BUDDY, as a guiding and explaining robot built for intelligent service scenarios, is not only adaptable to medical scenarios, but also well suited for crowded places such as exhibition halls, shopping malls, communities, government halls and other crowded places to provide people with accurate intelligent services. During the service process, BUDDY can give professional guided tours and Q&A consulting by recognising questions through voice and then accurately matching the built-in knowledge base. In times of epidemic, BUDDY can also be transformed into an intelligent service helper, shuttling in airports, high-speed railway stations and other important public places, greatly reducing the workload of epidemic prevention personnel; on the other hand, COLA, as a Bayesian robot pioneered the collection of “delivery + welcoming + cruising” in one of the new mode of robots, is designed for the unmanned indoor On the other hand, COLA, as a new model robot integrating “delivery + greeting + patrolling” pioneered by Bayes Robotics, is an intelligent product specially designed for indoor unmanned delivery scenarios, with a 40.5*52cm large angle four-layer oversized pallet structure, with a load-bearing capacity of up to 10 KG/layer, which enables multi-point delivery service and effectively improves the service efficiency. Today, both products are widely used in government halls, exhibition halls, hotels, coffee shops, banks and other service scenarios, which not only effectively reduces operating costs for customers, but also makes the service smarter and more efficient!

Food delivery robot


In the field of intelligent education, BUDDY guided tour robot, as a new intelligent product independently developed and designed by Bayes Robotics, is equipped with a full-stack multi-sensor fusion perception system, equipped with self-adaptive scene semantics of the interactive knowledge map, which can meet the needs of users for guided tours, questions and answers, and other diversified educational services in different scenarios. Whether it’s the guided tours in smart exhibition halls, or school knowledge popularisation, school history museum explanation, question collection, classroom evaluation and other scenarios, BUDDY guided tours and explanation robots can be widely applied, and become a good helper for adults and children to acquire professional knowledge in the field of education.