Robot Chassis as an Instrument for Research and Education in University Laboratories

As technology continues to evolve, universities worldwide are embracing the integration of robotics into their research and educational programs. One significant aspect of this integration is the utilization of robot chassis as versatile and customizable tools in university laboratories. This article explores the application of robot chassis as instruments for research and education, highlighting their benefits, adaptability, and contributions to fostering innovation and learning.

Versatile Platform for Experiments: Robot chassis serves as a versatile platform for various experiments in university laboratories. Their modular design allows researchers and students to customize and add specific sensors, actuators, and computing units, tailoring the robot to the unique requirements of their projects. This flexibility encourages creativity and empowers scholars to explore a wide range of applications, from computer vision and autonomous navigation to advanced control algorithms.

Experiential Learning and Skill Development: Integrating robot chassis into educational curricula provides students with hands-on learning experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of robotics principles. By working with the mechanical components, assembling electronic circuits, and programming the robots, students enhance their problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and team collaboration abilities. These practical experiences complement theoretical knowledge, resulting in a comprehensive learning journey that prepares students for real-world challenges in the field of robotics.

Interdisciplinary Research Opportunities: Robot chassis in university laboratories offer opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration among faculties and students. Researchers from diverse fields such as engineering, computer science, physics, and even social sciences can come together to develop innovative applications for these platforms. This convergence of knowledge promotes cross-disciplinary solutions, leading to groundbreaking advancements in robotics technology and its applications.

Prototyping and Proof of Concept: Robot chassis act as ideal prototypes for complex robotics systems. In the research phase, using chassis as initial models allows researchers to experiment with different configurations and algorithms efficiently. This prototyping approach significantly reduces development time and costs while validating the feasibility of new robotic concepts before investing in full-scale implementations.

Open-Source Community and Knowledge Sharing: Many robot chassis are open-source, fostering a collaborative community where researchers and educators freely share their designs, code, and experiences. This open-access environment encourages knowledge dissemination and encourages innovation across the global academic community. It also provides a stepping stone for beginners to robotics, enabling them to build upon existing projects and gradually contribute to the field.

The integration of robot chassis as educational aids in university laboratories has brought significant advancements to the field of robotics. Their versatility, adaptability, and accessibility have enabled researchers and students to explore diverse applications and innovative solutions. By providing experiential learning and interdisciplinary research opportunities, these robot chassis empower the next generation of robotics enthusiasts, preparing them to face the challenges of a technology-driven world. As the open-source community continues to thrive, the knowledge-sharing culture surrounding these platforms will further accelerate progress in robotics and inspire groundbreaking discoveries in the years to come.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

Transforming Manufacturing Logistics: AMRs Steer the Way to Efficiency

Applications:FLASH 300-L

In the modern manufacturing industry, the use of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) in logistics has emerged as a game-changer. These versatile machines have transformed the way manufacturing plants manage their material handling, significantly reducing operational challenges and boosting efficiency. This article presents a compelling case study of AMRs deployed in a manufacturing sector, highlighting the pain points addressed, the core advantages of the robots, and the seamless operation of the system.

Pain points in the scenario:

In a large manufacturing plant, the logistics department faced several critical pain points in their day-to-day operations. The facility dealt with vast amounts of raw materials, components, and finished products, necessitating constant movement between various production lines and warehouses. Traditional material handling methods involving forklifts and manual labor led to the following challenges:

  1. Congestion and Delays: The plant’s busy production floor often experienced congestion due to the movement of large forklifts, leading to delays in material deliveries and potential production bottlenecks.
  2. Safety Concerns: The high traffic of forklifts and manual handling posed safety risks to workers, increasing the potential for accidents and injuries.
  3. Inefficient Resource Utilization: Manual material handling required a significant workforce, leading to suboptimal resource allocation and higher labor costs.
  4. Lack of Flexibility: Traditional logistics systems struggled to adapt quickly to changes in production demands, resulting in less responsive operations.

Primary Competitive Advantage:

  1. Autonomous Navigation: Logistics AMRsare equipped with advanced sensors and AI-driven navigation systems, allowing them to move autonomously throughout the facility without the need for pre-defined paths or human intervention. This feature eliminated congestion and ensured smooth material flow.
  2. Enhanced Safety: The AMRs’ intelligent obstacle detection and avoidance capabilities significantly reduced safety risks, mitigating the potential for accidents and promoting a safer work environment for employees.
  3. Optimal Resource Utilization: With AMRshandling material transportation, the workforce was reallocated to more value-added tasks, resulting in optimal resource utilization and reduced labor costs.
  4. Flexibility and Scalability: The AMR system proved highly adaptable, enabling the plant to respond quickly to changes in production demands and seamlessly scale operations as needed.

Solution introduction:

  1. Centralized Control: The entire AMR fleet was centrally managed through a sophisticated control system. The system received real-time data from sensors and utilized advanced algorithms to optimize path planning and fleet coordination.
  2. Task Assignment: The manufacturing plant’s ERP system communicated production schedules and material requirements to the AMR control system. Based on this information, the AMRs autonomously prioritized and executed material transportation tasks.
  3. Collaborative Workflow: The AMRs efficiently collaborated with each other and human workers to ensure seamless material transfer between production lines and storage areas. They communicated their movements and shared information to avoid collisions and optimize routes.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.


Hospital Logistics Robots Revolutionize Healthcare Efficiency

In recent years, the integration of robotics in healthcare has witnessed unprecedented growth, with hospital logistics robots leading the charge. These sophisticated machines have transformed the way medical facilities manage their daily operations, improving efficiency, reducing human errors, and enhancing patient care. This article explores the widespread application of hospital logistics robots throughout the entire healthcare institution, including patient wards, laboratories, and logistics departments.

Logistics Robots in Patient Wards: Hospital logistics robots have become invaluable assets in patient wards, streamlining the transportation of medical supplies, medications, and equipment. These robots can autonomously navigate through corridors, elevators, and even crowded areas, ensuring timely and safe deliveries to nurses and doctors. By relieving healthcare professionals from time-consuming logistical tasks, they enable medical staff to focus on providing more personalized care to patients, leading to better patient outcomes and increased overall satisfaction.

(The hospital logistics robot named KINOX is in the patient wards.)

Robotics in Laboratories and Diagnostic Centers: In diagnostic laboratories, precision and speed are of the utmost importance. Hospital logistics robots have proved to be indispensable in this regard, enhancing the efficiency of sample transportation between different departments. These robots can accurately deliver specimens to various testing areas, ensuring swift processing and analysis. The reduction in manual handling also minimizes the risk of contamination and improves the accuracy of diagnostic results, contributing to enhanced diagnoses and treatment plans.

(The hospital logistics robot named KINOX is in the laboratories.)

Role in Hospital Logistics: The hospital logistics department faces an intricate web of responsibilities, including inventory management, waste disposal, and supply chain coordination. Logistics robots have emerged as vital companions to the logistics team, enabling smooth material handling, inventory tracking, and automated restocking. By optimizing supply chain operations, these robots help reduce waste, control costs, and maintain a consistent supply of essential items, thus ensuring uninterrupted patient care.

The widespread integration of hospital logistics robots offers numerous advantages that significantly impact the healthcare ecosystem. Some of the key benefits include: Robots are not susceptible to fatigue or emotions, allowing them to work tirelessly around the clock, thereby streamlining hospital operations and reducing delays. Human errors, such as misplacement of medical supplies or medication, can have severe consequences. Logistics robots, equipped with advanced sensors and navigation systems, minimize such errors and enhance patient safety. By handling repetitive and time-consuming tasks, robots free up medical staff to focus on patient care, ultimately leading to better treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction.

(Intelligent Hospital Logistics Panorama)

Hospital logistics robots have revolutionized healthcare by automating and optimizing critical processes across the entire institution. From patient wards to laboratories and logistics departments, these advanced machines play a vital role in enhancing efficiency, reducing errors, and improving patient care. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for further advancements in hospital logistics robotics holds great promise for the future of healthcare delivery.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

Navigation Advancements: How AMRs Navigate in Warehouses

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) have emerged as game-changers in warehouse operations, offering efficient and flexible solutions for material handling. A crucial aspect of their functionality lies in their ability to navigate seamlessly within warehouse environments. Let’s explore the mechanisms employed by AMRs for precise and reliable navigation.

Laser-Based Navigation Systems

AMRs often utilize laser-based navigation systems to perceive their surroundings. These systems typically involve the installation of laser sensors or LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors on the AMR. These sensors emit laser beams, which bounce off obstacles and return to the sensor. By analyzing the time-of-flight and angles of these laser beams, the AMR constructs a real-time map of its environment.


Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)

SLAM is a key technology in AMR navigation. It enables the robot to simultaneously create a map of its surroundings and determine its own location within that map. AMRs employ algorithms that integrate sensor data, such as laser scans, to continuously update and refine their understanding of the environment as they move.

(use SLAM to do mapping)

Use of Cameras and Vision Systems

Some AMRs incorporate cameras and vision systems as additional navigation aids. These systems capture images of the surroundings and use computer vision algorithms to identify landmarks or features that help the AMR navigate. This visual input serves as a complementary source of information, enhancing the robot’s ability to navigate in dynamic environments.

(cameras can be used for robots)


Adaptive Navigation Algorithms

To navigate efficiently in dynamic environments, AMRs utilize adaptive navigation algorithms. These algorithms consider factors such as traffic, congestion, and changes in the environment to dynamically adjust the robot’s path and optimize its movements in real-time.


In conclusion, the navigation capabilities of AMRs are powered by a combination of sophisticated technologies. By leveraging laser-based systems, SLAM, cameras, and adaptive navigation algorithms, AMRs can autonomously and safely navigate through warehouses. This advanced navigation technology is a driving force behind the increased adoption of AMRs in modern warehouse logistics, offering enhanced flexibility, efficiency, and adaptability in material handling processes.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also, you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

How to Pick the Best Robots for Your Warehouse

As we all known, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and other automation technologies continue to be the key to a successful warehouse management system. For warehouse managers considering introducing AMR to their supply chain or looking to expand their use in-house, selecting the best robot for your business and budget is a top priority.

Bayes Robotics, as a leading supplier of AMR solutions, we are your one-stop-shop for increased efficiency, maximum productivity and optimum safety. But what do you need to know when picking the best robot to join your team?

What types of warehouse robots are there?

Automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) provide optimal routes to automating the inventories of warehouse environments. They actively retrieve and return goods, distributing them to their specific locations using sophisticated cranes. As the name suggests, goods-to-person (G2P) technology incorporates the human element, delivering goods to picking stations for sorting and order fulfillment.

Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) include self-driving forklifts and other machinery which move heavier or larger loads along planned travel paths. For smaller loads, automated guided carts can play similar, more suitable roles.

(Our self-driving forklift working in the warehouse)

Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) use fundamentally different technology to transport goods throughout warehouse environments. Instead of being reliant on fixed guidance devices such as magnetic tape, beacons, barcodes or predefined laser paths, AMRs need no external infrastructure to ensure success within the wider warehouse management system.

AMRs use infrastructure-free, laser-based perception and navigation algorithms to deliver the flexibility, versatility and scalability warehouse environments need. They can also be equipped with different tops (e.g. mobile conveyors) to optimize specific processes.

(Our AMR equipped with mobile conveyor)

What industries use AMRs in their warehouses?

Autonomous mobile robots have long been used as solutions for combating labour shortages and pathing the way for increased efficiency, especially throughout supply chains that largely rely on the completion of repetitive, predictable tasks.

The logistics and ecommerce sectors have seen significant uptake in automation technology since online shopping took precedence during the pandemic. Food, beverage and apparel businesses have also embraced autonomous mobile robots. We’ve witnessed high demand from industrial businesses too. Organizations specializing in automotive, electronics, machinery, chemicals and pharmaceuticals are increasingly using automation technology to boost picking times, delivery speeds and customer satisfaction.


What are the uses for AMRs in warehouses?

Due to advancements in automation technology, AMRs and AGVs have the capacity to transform warehouse management systems. Automation equipment can be used throughout the supply chain, whether you wish to digitalize order or zone picking and replace traditional fulfillment tools or organize your inventory.

Courtesy of their range of smart applications within warehouse environments, AMRs and AGVs have been integral to the improvement of safety throughout the warehouse management system, the enhancement of picking performance, and the overall increase of efficiency.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

Conventional Palletizing vs Robotic Palletizing: A Comparative Analysis

In the realm of material handling and warehouse automation, palletizing is a critical process that involves arranging products onto pallets for storage or transportation. Traditionally, this task has been carried out manually, but with the advent of technology, robotic palletizing has emerged as a transformative alternative.


Introduction of Traditional Palletizing

Traditional palletizing involves manual labor to stack products onto pallets. Workers follow predetermined patterns and use physical strength and precision to arrange items efficiently. This method has been the go-to approach for decades, offering a straightforward solution to the palletizing process.

Introduction of Robotic Palletizing

Robotic palletizing employs automated systems, often using industrial robots equipped with advanced end-of-arm tools (EOAT). These robots are programmed to handle a variety of products and follow specific patterns for stacking. The process is guided by sensors and vision systems, allowing for adaptability to different products and configurations.


  1. Labor Dependence

A. Traditional: Requires manual labor for the entire process.

B. Robotic: Minimizes or eliminates the need for manual intervention, reducing labor costs.

  1. Flexibility

A. Traditional: Limited flexibility and adaptability to changes in product types or stacking patterns.

B. Robotic: Highly flexible, easily reprogrammable for various products, and capable of handling diverse stacking requirements.

  1. Speed and Efficiency

A. Traditional: Relies on the speed and endurance of human workers.

B. Robotic: Offers consistent and high-speed performance, leading to increased efficiency and throughput.

  1. Occupational Safety

A. Traditional: Involves manual labor, exposing workers to potential injuries and ergonomic issues.

B. Robotic: Enhances workplace safety by automating repetitive and physically demanding tasks.


Comparative Analysis

  1. Accuracy and Precision

A. Traditional methods may be prone to human errors, leading to misaligned or unstable pallets.

B. Robotic palletizing ensures precise placement, reducing the risk of errors and optimizing load stability.

  1. Adaptability

A. Traditional methods struggle with adapting to changes in product dimensions or stacking patterns.

B. Robotic palletizing excels in adapting to variations, making it suitable for industries with diverse product lines.

  1. Cost Considerations

A. Traditional methods may have lower upfront costs but can incur higher long-term labor expenses.

B. Robotic palletizing involves higher initial investment but offers long-term cost savings through increased efficiency and reduced labor costs.


While traditional palletizing methods have long been the norm, the rise of robotic palletizing signifies a transformative shift in the industry. Robotic palletizing brings efficiency, precision, and adaptability to the forefront, addressing limitations inherent in traditional approaches. As technology continues to evolve, businesses must weigh the upfront investment against long-term benefits when deciding between traditional and robotic palletizing methods.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

Embracing the Future: the Rising Trend of Robotics Arm Applications

Robotic arms, often referred to as mechanical arms, have become synonymous with advanced automation across various industries. Robotic arms have come a long way since their inception. Originating in manufacturing for tasks such as welding and assembly, these versatile tools have evolved to incorporate new technologies, making them essential in diverse fields.

Key Features and Components

  1. Articulation and Degrees of Freedom

Robotic arms are characterized by their articulated joints, enabling multiple degrees of freedom. This flexibility allows them to mimic human-like movements and perform intricate tasks.

  1. End-Effectors

The end-effector, or tool attached to the arm, varies based on the application. Grippers, welding tools, 3D printers, and sensors are examples of end-effectors that enhance the arm’s functionality.

  1. Sensors and Vision Systems

Integration of sensors and vision systems enables robotic arms to perceive their surroundings. This enhances precision, allowing them to adapt to changes in the environment and collaborate with humans safely.


Applications Across Industries

  1. Manufacturing and Assembly

Robotic arms streamline manufacturing processes, performing tasks with speed and precision. They are widely used in assembly lines for tasks such as product assembly, welding, and material handling.

  1. Automated Inspection and Quality Control

Robotic arms equipped with vision systems are employed for quality control and inspection tasks in industries such as electronic sectors and automotive manufacturing.

  1. Logistics and Warehousing

In logistics, robotic arms play a crucial role in material handling, order picking, and packaging, contributing to the efficiency of warehouses and distribution centers.


As robotic arms continue to evolve, their impact on industries ranging from manufacturing to logistics is undeniable. The synergy between human expertise and robotic precision opens up new possibilities, paving the way for a future where robotic arms play a central role in advancing automation and innovation.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also, you can add our WhatsApp +86 18612899721.

Navigating the Future of Warehousing: 4 Main Types of Warehouse Software

Modern order fulfillment depends on certain software to keep the operation running smoothly and efficiently. For most warehouse centers, this will at a minimum include a warehouse management system (WMS) and an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Of course, operations with a large amount of automation will also require software to manage that equipment, typically in the form of either a warehouse execution system (WES) or a warehouse controls system (WCS).

Taken together, these four options—ERP, WMS, WCS, and WES—are the most common types of warehouse software that you are likely to come across and potentially leverage in your operation.

In order to understand how these four systems relate to one another and work together in your operation, just remember this simple rule: The WCS/WES feeds into the WMS, which itself feeds into the ERP.

1.Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software

The enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is essentially an integrated business suite for your operation. It is designed to collect, store, and manage data from across multiple departments within your business. This will often include information about manufacturing, e-commerce, customer relations, sales, marketing, inventory management, shipping, product planning, and more.

(Inventory Query Interface)

The ERP is especially valuable due to the fact that it includes comprehensive financial reporting capabilities that allows you to invoice, bill, track, etc. In addition to the WMS, other systems will feed into it, making it a central repository of data for your entire operation.


2.Warehouse Management System (WMS)

The warehouse management system (WMS) is responsible for the flow of inventory within the warehouse or distribution center. As such, the WMS plays a critical role in, well, managing the activities of the warehouse. Transportation management, supply chain integration, labor management and shipping management all fall under the helm of the WMS, as may some additional functionality.

As mentioned above, the WMS is generally integrated with the ERP. The WCS or WES integrate into the WMS as well.

(Storage Information Query Interface)


3.Warehouse Controls System (WCS)

The warehouse controls system (WCS) is responsible for managing automated technologies in use throughout the warehouse. For example, the activities of your automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS), sortation, conveyors, and more will all typically be managed by WCS.


4.Warehouse Execution System (WES)

The easiest way to describe a warehouse execution system (WES) is to say that it is essentially the next generation of the WCS. The resources that the WES truly optimizes is both labor and equipment. The WES applies labor where and when needed and directs automated equipment to assure that all zones and areas within a facility are operating not only at peak but orchestrated.

Regardless of which specific software you are looking to implement within your operation, it’s important that the option you choose is the best one for your particular business needs and goals. With this in mind, we consider modularity, flexibility, and robust functionality to be hallmarks of all top warehouse software, whether you are in the market for an ERP, WMS, WES, or WCS.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also, you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.

5 Strategies For Reducing Your Warehouse’s Labor Costs

For businesses that rely on warehousing, managing labor costs is crucial for maintaining profitability. In order to reduce labor costs, it’s often necessary to balance the need for efficient operations and a skilled workforce. Labor costs can account for a significant portion of the expenses incurred by warehouses, distribution centers, and order fulfillment operations. In order to solve this challenge, it is imperative to implement strategies that will reduce labor costs without compromising productivity or quality.

Strategies for Reducing Warehouse Labor Costs

  1. Utilize Technology and Automation

By leveraging automation to handle routine tasks, businesses can reduce the need for additional labor and allow their existing workforce to focus on high-value activities. This approach can help businesses remain competitive by reducing costs and increasing productivity. Employing a combination of technology can optimize your warehouse operations and generate numerous benefits.

  1. Goods-to-person (G2P): Optimizes the picking process by minimizing the distance traveled by employees filling orders, which provides a more efficient and cost-effective solution than relying on manual labor.
  2. Automated storage and retrieval (AS/RS): Provides buffer storage between different stages in the workflow and staging orders for shipping to effectively automate product movements within a warehouse.
  3. Autonomous mobile robot (AMR): Understands and moves through a warehouse without being manually operated through the use of advanced sensors and cameras to optimize routes in real-time.

(our AMR named FLASH working in the warehouse)

With these technologies’ ability to perform a wide range of tasks, automation can help your business reduce a reliance on human labor, transport inventory or products, assist in the picking and returns processes, increase throughput, and provide flexible sortation solutions.


2. Optimize Current Processes and Workflows

Another strategy for reducing labor costs is to optimize workflows. By analyzing data on warehouse operations, you can implement changes to streamline processes. This can include reorganizing your warehouse layout, improving inventory management practices, and optimizing your picking and packing processes. These improvements can lead to significant reductions in labor costs while also improving overall warehouse performance.


3. Ensure Warehouse Execution Software Is Effective

Upgrading your software system, such as implementing a Warehouse Execution Systems software (WES), can significantly improve your ability to manage labor resources and equipment performance on a daily basis. With the implementation of a more sophisticated software system, you can effectively coordinate and streamline your labor needs to ensure maximum productivity.

4. Identify Common Operational Inefficiencies

Identifying inefficiencies in warehouse operations is critical to optimizing the performance of a warehouse and cutting cost on labor. One common source of inefficiencies in warehouses is older equipment that can only perform at the level it was designed to operate at the time. Whether it’s implementing a WES to improve older equipment or replacing pieces of a system, these actions allow achieving better performance from their existing automation equipment. By addressing inefficiencies, you can streamline your operations and increase labor productivity.


5. Eliminate Unnecessary Steps

Streamlining processes is an essential strategy for saving labor costs. By eliminating unnecessary steps and simplifying workflows, your warehouse can reduce the amount of time and effort required to complete tasks. One way to do this is by streamlining existing processes and workflows to eliminate any unnecessary steps, tasks, or inefficiencies. Additionally, feedback from employees who are involved in the process can be valuable in identifying areas that need improvement.

Start Reducing Your Costs

Reducing labor costs is a critical priority for most warehouses and distribution sectors. The high cost of labor makes it imperative for businesses to implement strategies that minimize labor needs and optimize their existing workforce. Embracing emerging technologies like G2P, AS/RS, and AMRs can help businesses maximize efficiency and productivity, minimize labor needs, and improve profitability.

If you would like to learn more about our robotic products and solutions, please feel free to leave a message or call us for consultation. Email is [email protected]. Also, you can add our WhatsApp +86 181 1289 9721.